Surgery Consent Form

All pets undergoing surgery at Happy Pets Animal Hospital are required to have presurgical blood work testing. This will check for pre-existing medical conditions which may increase the risk of complications during surgery.
Here at Happy Pets Animal Hospital we use isoflurane gas which is a safe gas anesthetic used in veterinary medicine and is one of the same anesthetic gas used for many human procedures. We also use state-of-the-art surgical monitoring equipment to monitor your pet’s blood pressure, temperature, heart rate and oxygen levels during surgery. Our hospital provides pain medication for pets before, during, and after surgical procedures, we will place an intravenous catheter to administer fluids while under anesthesia. IV fluids will aid the body in stabilizing internal organs and blood pressure, and aid in metabolizing the anesthesia more efficiently. Along with shaving the hair at the IV catheter site, we may also shave other areas including the surgical site for surgical prepping and cleansing and also to monitor the site after the procedure is perform.
Pre-Anesthetic Physical Exam and Anesthetic Monitoring (Included)
Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work
Pre-anesthetic blood work checks the internal organs and blood count and is a vital part of safe anesthesia. Help us provide the best level of care for your pet by choosing to perform blood work prior to anesthesia or sedation.
Prep Profile w/CBC $105.00
This includes a basic internal organ screen (liver and kidneys) with a full red and white blood cell count.Recommended for healthy patients under 7 years old.
CDP w/CBC $153.00
*This includes a full blood chemistry of all the major organs including electrolytes and a full red and white blood cell count*Recommended for longer anesthetic procedures, sick patients and pets 7 years or older.

Additional Services While Under Anesthesia (Price may vary please see Receptionist for cost)

To ensure that your pet will not chew or lick open the surgical site, an Elizabethan collar is available. This small investment could save you the added cost to have the site repaired.
All pets presented for surgery must be free of external parasites. If fleas, ticks, or ear mites are found, the pets will be treated for these parasites at the owner’s expense.
Please note that Happy Pets Animal Hospital has business, medical, and staffing hours Monday through Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and Saturdays 8:30am-2: 00pm.We are closed Sundays and holidays. This is to inform you that we have no in-house continuous medical staff care overnight after closing time, weekends or on holidays. We provide weekday and holiday care on a regular, but intermittent basis only.
Has your pet recently experienced vomiting, diarrhea, coughing or sneezing?
Has your pet had any history of seizures or problems under anesthesia?
I understand that all anesthesia involves some risk to my pet and therefore the assistants and/or veterinarians will not be held liable or responsible in any manner for the injury, or death of my pet in connection with the procedure. I am encouraged to discuss any concerns I have about those risks with the veterinarian before the procedure(s) is/are initiated. I agree to pay in full for the services rendered.